The coscinus project

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The project

The coscinus project aims at extracting and visualizing information from publications statistics issued from the DBLP database.

DBLP gathers mosts of computer science history of publications. So it can be used as a tool for understanding and analyzing the field. In this project, we want to exploit this available (and under-exploited) information on publications statistics. For the moment there are four developed main tools:

These four tools exploit the publication habits of computer science researchers in order to define closeness measures between publication supports (conference and journals). The long-term project is to develop additional features based on these tools (although we mainly want to consolidate these three tools at the moment).

If you have suggestions, questions, or if you want to contribute in any way, please contact us here: .

DISCLAIMER: The Domain Expert Finder and Profile Expert Finder aim at finding the most productive authors in a given domain (neighbourhood). This can be useful for instance to find experts of a given domain. But being more productive does not mean being a better researcher. A single groundbreaking paper can be scientifically more important than hundreds of papers. Counting papers brings some information but can not in any case sums up a researcher career. So Domain Expert Finder and Profile Expert Finder should not be used as an evaluation of researchers.


The coscinus project is funded and developed by CRIL (Centre de Recherche en Informatique de Lens), an artificial intelligence laboratory affiliated to CNRS and Université d’Artois (UMR 8188). Its team is composed by:

Scientific leader: Sébastien Konieczny ( Technical leader: Emmanuel Lonca (
Contributors: Zied Bouraoui (, Fabien Delorme (


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